May 2014

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Bloating, cramping, diarrhea, constipation, gas-sometimes all at once…Always having to plan where the next restroom is, canceling social engagements…This is a problem that plagues a significant number of my new patients. Many of them have been suffering for years, have had endoscopies and colonoscopies, are constantly taking over the counter drugs, yogurt, fiber, probiotics, colonics,

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Xenoestrogens are “alien-estrogens” that are not made in your body.  They come from natural compounds in foods you consume, pesticides and herbicides you are exposed to, plastics that come into contact with food and water, and hormones, mostly in food but also in water.  These hormones can  be natural, such as those found in milk

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What’s the matter with dairy?

During my initial consults with patients, I always spend a large portion of the visit speaking with them about their diet and how it relates to health.  One of the big topics I cover is why they should avoid dairy products.  Dairy products are things that come from the milk of a cow, goat, or

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The Paleo-Mediterranean Diet

At a new patient visit, I provide a detailed analysis of a 3-7 day dietary log and point out areas where the patient is doing well and where things could be improved.  In general, the following 15 points work well for most people.  Of course, if allergic, I recommend they avoid those particular foods.  The

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The wrong approach to menopause

Today, it was revealed that a proposed new drug called “Depomed” failed to achieve the expected results in the treatment of menopausal hot flashes.  Depomed is gabapentin, otherwise known as Neurontin, an anti-seizure medicine.  Neurontin has it’s uses and I prescribe it on occasion, for things like post herpetic neuralgia, and chronic diabetic neuropathic pain,

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Plastics are a Health Hazard

Be careful and conservative in your approach to using plastics. 1. Always take sniff and taste test first. If there’s a hint of plastic in your water, don’t drink it. Also avoid skin contact with plastics that smell funny. Remember the foul synthetic scent of vinyl shower curtains? Nasty! 2. Remember most plastics tend to break down

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